Who we are
GFWC of Holden Beach is an affiliate member of the General Federation of Woman’s Clubs (GFWC) and the General Federation of Woman’s Clubs of North Carolina(GFWC-NC). This organization offers opportunities for women to network with other women who are interested in leadership and helping others, The objective of this club is to promote the civic, cultural, educational, and social betterment of the community. Join us! Use our Contact form to let us know of your interest, and we’ll be in touch.
GFWC-HB is a proud member of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. Honoring the motto of “Unity in Diversity,” we come together as unique individuals dedicated to community improvement by supporting local schools and social service organizations, promoting conservation of natural resources, facilitating appreciation of the arts, participating in local public issues, as well as engaging in international outreach